More Microsoft Madness!!!!!!

So I did receive another call from Microsoft the other day. After the initial worry and anxiety involved with the first interview, this one was much more relaxed. Plus the questions seemed a lot easier, turns out the reason they were easier was because this was Microsoft PSS calling this time instead of MCS. ‘ Whats the difference?’ you might be asking, well allow me to tell you. So say you are having trouble with Windows XP and you can’t find your geeky friend (or I’m not answering my phone), you call the Microsoft Tek Support Hotline the jokers on the other end of the phone work for PSS. MCS on the other hand are the super geeks, Microsoft Consulting Services. These are the guys you go to when you want the best damn Microsoft system designed for you from the ground up. So the questions that this guy was asking me where more in line with general troubleshooting of group policies (RSOP), network connectivity (DNS,DHCP), design theory (DIT,Schema, blah blah blah). So anyway, after talking with some friends of mine I kind of came to the conclusion that who cares if I don’t get hired by Microsoft now. My friends that work for them didn’t get the jobs there until they were in their early 30s, I have at least 5 more years to become the engineer that I want to be before moving to Microsoft. No hurry at all.

I spoke with our Senior Project Manager yesterday about James coming onboard over here in DC, to work with our team. He seemed excited about getting someone with some real knowledge and experience. So hopefully things will get into motion soon and James and Lana can get their butts out here.

I recently picked World of Warcraft back up. I’m well in control this time around though, it really is a great game and it keeps getting better with each patch. And the time I took off allowed some of the other guys that play in our group to get caught up to me (Justin, Ben). So I’m excited to do some of the higher level contect as soon as I get some free time. I guess I will just keep logging in every 4 days and making the items with cooldowns, and log back out.

I spoke to Justin for about 30 or so minutes last night. He was kinda giving me the updates about what has been going down in Los Angeles since Kelly and I have been gone. Especially the skinny on what is going on at the Field Office out there. He says that he is easily filling the position that I have vacated and is taking on tons of tasks, he is already doing way more then I did while I was there. I can still skool him on SAN knowledge though, although he can spell better then I can. heh.

Work is still going strong, I don’t think I will hit 46 hours of OT on the next check, but I’m still getting a TON of overtime. Good thing too cause we still need gobs of cash to pay some points on the mortgage when the time comes. Its a good thing points are tax deductible at the end of the year, since we are buying the house so late, we should see a pantload of money back when we file our taxes next year…. hello plasma TV.

I have been looking at the new Samsung i730 as my next phone of choice. Kelly and I have been considering dropping T-Mobile like a bad habit and going with Verizon, since they are the 800 pound gorilla on the east coast. But anyway, the i730 has some great features, including EV-DO, WiFi and Bluetooth, what is not to love about all that wireless goodness. A little pricey, but maybe I can convince my company to buy one for me. If you are interested in it check it out here.

Ok enough slacking back to work you lazy bums.

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