Time for a beer.

So I guess its time for my quarterly update. I’m still alive and kicking, just don’t have anything interesting to say anymore (did I ever?).

As Kelly said before me, we did finally sell the house. Looking back on the purchase it was a very very bad idea. We knew it the moment we walked inside and realized the amount of work the house was really going to be to bring it up to the standards that we were accustom to. It was a great feeling of relief on Monday when I signed that last piece of paper and we were done with it. The housing market is going to continue to decline in this area for a bit longer, and since we don’t anticipate being here for to much longer we managed to get out at just the right time. We moved back into our old complex (again as Kelly already said), and it feels good to be back here. Not that I’m a huge fan of living in apartments either, but I don’t have to worry about anything either. If its broke I make a call and someone else comes and fixes it. We left our HD TV in the house when we moved as kind of an incentive to the buyer. So now I’m in the market for a new one. I don’t want to buy anything to crazy while we are living here in VA, so maybe a 37 inch Plasma or something. I will reserve the 55+ inch tube for when we finally find a place to live for more then a year.

As an added bonus, on top of selling the house I get a new job. The position I’m currently in is the most soul sucking experience I have ever had to deal with. I’m sure I have posted about it before, but honestly its the most depressing job you can imagine. Its not as if I’m overloaded with work, its just that the work environment is oppressive. But anyway, I spoke with my bosses and they are allowing me to transfer back to an organization that I’m very familiar with, and work as a Windows 2003 Design Engineer. Should be good work for now. I begin that position in a week or so.

We are back to Cox for our highspeed internet package. We figured that since we don’t have a “real” TV at this time we would get just internet and not cable. So we opted for the Premium package or 15Mbps down / 2Mbps up. I have rigged up my 21 inch Dell Monitor to my XBox and some computer speakers to make a working TV/DVR combo that we can watch moveis and such on. The internet connection is VERY fast during off hours. I was downloading some stuff at nearly 1.7 MBps, yes Megabytes per second. I can’t wait for the days of 100Mbit connections to the internet are commonplace.

I added a new block to the left side of the interface today. Listal.Com is a collection app much in the same vein as DVDProfiler, but its a web based product so we can use it from our Macs. I imported probably more then 2/3 of our collection, but I’m sure there is more that I’m missing. Last time I checked I think we had 800 or so.

We are heading out from work early today (James, Jun and myself) to go meet up with the boss for some wings and beers. Its been a long week with the move and everything so I’m really looking forward to it right now.

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