We have GAS!

That’s right, we finally have gas. The gas man showed up yesterday out of nowhere (neither Casey or I called him). He got a little dyslexic with the numbers at first and turned on the wrong one then turned on the right one and it still wasn’t labeled properly. But he was a nice enough guy that, even though he said the company didn’t give him enough time, he checked several of them until he found ours and just crossed the lines so that it would go to our apartment. We felt bad we couldn’t tip him since he did something the last guy wouldn’t do and was really nice about the whole thing. But we rarely carry cash so it wasn’t an option. He told us it would take about 30 minutes for the water to heat up so when we came back from Panda Express and the water was still cold we thought something had gone wrong. Casey went up to the roof to make sure the pilot light hadn’t blown out and it had so he relit it and I was able to take a bath last night for the first time since the Holiday Inn Express in Galup, New Mexico (December)! There’s still something wrong with the water heater or valve or something because this morning the shower wasn’t very hot but it was bearable. They’re also gonna need to come back in and fix the water going to the other bathroom because the shower won’t work in there at all. We’re happy with hot water and feel we’re on our way to a normal existence.

On a bad note, the final inspection yesterday failed. I waited in my car outside for an hour and a half while they were testing the alarms and trying to see if things work and when I came inside I was told they failed. 🙁 Why does this not surprise me? I’m hoping that they’ll be back out soon and have everything fixed. I told Casey he needs to call Adelphia and pretend he’s Peter (owner) so that we can get the cable box installed. Peter doesn’t seem to be making that his priority since I called him about this at the end of Februrary and it still isn’t done.

Casey’s taking tomorrow off after working all that overtime. We’ll both have a 3 day weekend and nothing is planned. We were looking at going to Vegas but waiting to book reservations until the week of makes the rates double. Casey thinks it’ll be too close to our stay in May so we’ll probably go again in July or August to spread the visits out. Rates are cheaper when it’s stiflingly hot outside.

This week is Spring Break but since I’m still in school it doesn’t feel like it. And we’re not going anywhere. Laughlin is supposed to be cheap but it ain’t Vegas. I think I got accepted into Cal State Northridge even though I haven’t received an acceptance letter yet because I got something saying where all my classes apply in their degree program. I checked the status of my UCLA application but the decision won’t be in until late April so I’ve still got time to sweat it out.

This weekend we went to Nicky’s for the first time in awhile (I guess Super Bowl). I made chimichangas for everyone which went over really well and we watched last week’s episode of Survivor.

On St. Patrick’s Day we went out with Megan (friend from work) and her boyfriend, Jason. We met at a bar across the street from work and had beers (maybe too many). We had a great time and went over to their house to BBQ again on Friday night. It’s nice to say, we have friends here!

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