Movies and more

We went and watched Spiderman 2 tonight at Arclight Cinemas in Hollywood. It’s stadium seating but really lame cause it’s assigned seating but the seats are comfy. Other negative things are the price ($14.00/ticket) and the popcorn was stale and small. Won’t be going back there. The movie was a lot better than I expected, it had both a good storyline and special effects. Nice job not overdoing the CGI in places.

Went to Target and bought a grill and other essentials. We settled on a gas grill that will be easily transported and stored. We’re planning on going to the beach and the commissary tomorrow and then trying that grill out. Mmm good.

As far as work goes, the annoying and negative hand double from Skeleton Key was fired. Kate ok’d my hands saying they looked like hers so on Friday morning the studio paid $200 to put nails on me. So I’m now Kate’s photo (aka body) and hand double. Too bad it’s not double the pay. The SAG rep came around on Friday and wanted to talk to me to tell me more about SAG and put a face with the name she’s heard. Good times!

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