Missing post

So I had this long post I wrote yesterday, mostly about moving to DC, and Casey accidentally deleted it when correcting a typo. No, big loss of my message though since we’re no longer moving. It looked like a sure thing as of Friday, I knew I should have waited till contracts were signed before posting anything for those that didn’t know about the whole thing so hopes wouldn’t be up and all that. Now we’re back to our usual routine and are somehow despising LA even more since we had the prospect of a higher standard of living and resume building material for Casey awaiting us. We’re just hoping and praying that this just wasn’t the right timing but that something will come up soon. Maybe our vacations to Missouri next week and Colorado at Christmas will give us a new lease on life in LA. One can only hope.

My financial aid forms that I revised to add CSU to them did not go through last week or two weeks ago or whenever that was and now I had to put the form through again and hope that THIS one will get send to the school at which point my financial aid will be in place. I asked for an estimate since I’m only getting loans and not grants as to the length of the process or more specifically if it would be ready for spring semester and he’s like well it depends on too many variables so I can’t even estimate. C’mon WTF, then he goes on to say how they don’t run out of loanable funds and blah blah blah. So back to the waiting game again. 🙁

Trying to finish up my classes and get caught up on everything before we leave on vacation so I won’t have to do it there or stress about getting it done at the last minute when we get back. The end is in sight for this crappy semester!

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