Another Weekend

Another weekend has passed by too fast. Saturday Casey and I went to Lowes and picked up some herbs (cilantro, rosemary, and chives), jalapenos, and annuals (marigolds, pansies, violas, allysum, and a pink one that I don’t remember the name of) to put in the planters closest to the house. This is our first time planting anything so we didn’t know we shouldn’t have planted things yet, as Lowes was packed with people by gardening stuff. Grandma suggested we put tomato stakes in our planters and drape a sheet over them so they won’t get frost bit if it dips down too low at night so that’s what we’ve been doing. It’ll be nice when it warms up enough we don’t have to go out there everynight to cover them and can fill up the other (larger) planter on the far side of the deck. It’s still too cold at night to turn on the sprinklers either so Casey did a lot of dragging the hose around yesterday and the grass already looks greener. Although that could just be wishful thinking on our part. We still need to seed and fertilize but hopefully we’ll have green grass soon!

On Saturday for lunch, we went with my parents to Bird Dog BBQ and were thoroughly disappointed. People at work had reccomended it to me and when I asked them what kind of BBQ it was they’re like, you know, regular BBQ. I wanted to know what style it was (KC, NC, TX, Memphis). I can’t really say that it was any of the above. They didn’t use charcoal and it tasted like they steamed the meat. The only good points? The bottled beer and potato salad. HA what a joke! There’s still three other BBQ places in the city to try Famous Dave’s (the chain), Front Range BBQ (Grandma and Grandpa don’t reccomend though), and BZ’s BBQ which is a roach coach set up outside Western Warehouse. Casey and Joe’s BBQ puts these places to shame. Saturday night we went out with the entire family to Texas Roadhouse to try out the ribs. They were really good and probably the best we’ll get around here. They weren’t quite falling off the bone but pretty close and had a good flavor to them and were much better than Saltgrass Grill’s.

The independent appraiser guy that the driver who hit me’s insurance hired (did you follow all of that?), came out today to take pictures of teh car and prepare an estimate. He’s supposed to be emailing me and the other insurance company a copy of the estimate and IF the company accepts libaility THEN they will cut me a check for the estimate he provided. When I take the car to get repaired, if the repairs are more costly or severe than originally estimated then this guy will come back out and assess the damge again. Hopefully this will all work out and the other company will pay up. Casey saw that they’re working the new Powers/Woodmen expansion – they have money.

We finally got the last check from United Van Lines to close out our claim against the for damages they caused while moving our stuff from Virginia. I’m really glad we went with the insurance as opposed to hoping our renter’s insurance would cover any damages because I can only imagine how upset we’d have been otherwise.

I’m getting ready to apply for unemployment benefits. While it’s nowhere near as much as I’d like it to be, at least it’ll supplement our income until I find something new.

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