
So I usually make my posts late at night after Brady’s asleep. I think this is causing some confusion when I post because I’ll say tomorrow and it will technically be the day that I am posting on, but since I haven’t fallen asleep yet, I don’t consider it to be that next day yet.

I took Brady to the doctor yesterday to get her checked out. Her usual pediatrician was out and because of the short notice it was either the P.A. or a doctor that I don’t really care for. P.A. it was and I really liked her so it all worked out. Brady weighed in at 15 pounds 2.5 ounces! I think she’ll definitely be in the 50th percentile (for her weight at least) by 6 months! When I told the P.A. Brady’s symptoms, she told me later that the two things that automatically came to her mind were ear infection or tummy bug (stomach flu, not related to influenza). Brady looked perfect except for the excessive fussiness that I told her about (and she witnessed), some vomiting that she had over the weekend, and hearing/feeling bubbles in her tummy. She consulted with the other P.A. in the office and apparently some sort of tummy bug is making the rounds in breastfed babies. She said we were going to go ahead and assume that’s what it is and let it runs it’s course in 24-48 and hope that the worst was over. I guess there’s nothing really you can do for the stomach bug but she said I could give Brady some Tylenol if it made her feel better and that Mylicon was likely to be ineffective. Well here we are almost 48 hours later and no improvement. She had already stopped vomiting when I took her in (that stopped Sunday) but her fussiness is still running pretty high and she seems to be pretty uncomfortable at times and I still hear the bubbles. I’m praying that after a good night’s sleep, Brady will be feeling better but if she’s not I fear blood work is going to be ordered to figure out what’s going on with her. I just really want for her to feel better and I know she’s not being fussy on purpose.

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4 Responses to Dates

  1. Nana says:

    Nana’s girl has to get to feeling better so she can cheer up her Nana! And be all happy for her great-grandmother’s visit from Florida…she’s very excited to see that 4th generation girl! Get better Brady Cakes!!!!!!!!!!Love ya, Brady!

  2. Nicky says:

    Have you tried giving her some Mylicon drops? I used to give that to the kids when they were fussy and I didn’t know any other reason. It helps with gas, and when you said you heard bubbles in her tummy, that came to my mind. Poor girl…I hope she feels better soon for both her sake and yours! I remember fussy babies…it’s hard. =/

    I had to look up the name of the drops b/c I couldn’t remember how to spell it and I found their site:

    It says on there that spitting up a lot can also be from gas…just a thought!

  3. Nicky says:

    Oh…and just a disclaimer–I’m not trying to say your pedi was wrong! I’m just giving you an idea to try if she doesn’t get better in 24-48 hours like your pedi suggested. =)

  4. Kelly says:

    We’ve done the Mylicon before and Gripe Water and it just doesn’t work for Brady. The pedi asked if we had tried it and we said yes but it wasn’t working. She said she always asks but there’s no medical evidence that shows they work. She said the idea behind it makes sense but it’s just guaranteed to get results. So really there’s nothing they can do.

    Thanks for the suggestion. If you can come up with anything else, please let me know. I’m at a loss and apparently so is her doctor as to what could be the cause. I just don’t want it to be something that’s just ignored or tolerated and it end up being more serious and nothing was done to identify the problem.

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