Sick and Decorating

Brady’s been having sleep issues that started about the time Casey came down here and we were still in Colorado. The longest she’s slept in her crib in a few months was 8 hours, but since she sleeps for about 14 hours a night this had her waking up at 2:30 am. She usually wakes up to get in bed with us around midnight and will sleep till around 7ish. Thursday night she followed the pattern of when she ended up in bed with us but about 1 Friday morning she woke up screaming and crying. We thought maybe she had a bad dream so we turned on the lights to see what was wrong and let her see that we were still there and everything was alright. She ended up being all snotty and congested more so than just from crying. Then all day yesterday she was snotty, drooly, coughing infrequently, and fussier than usual. We thought it was just teething but she kept it up through the night and early this morning when she woke up crying again I checked her temp and it was 101. This morning I called the on-call pediatrician’s office and told the nurse what was going on. She gave me the option to bring her in or let her tell me what I could do from home. She said it was most likely just a cold from what I was telling her but that if she got worse or I was more concerned int eh morning that they would be seeing patients in the morning. We didn’t end up putting her down till almost 8 (we usually start getting ready for bed around 6:30) but so far she’s still sleeping.

Casey and I had every intention of getting the house decorated for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. I bought Casey the new Stephen King book and the weather turned colder and windier so that never happened. Casey decided he was going to try his hand at decorating the outside of the house with lights this year so even before Thanksgiving we bought lights. Today, Casey and James started putting them up and realized we underestimated just how many lights we’d need. So Casey asked me to pick some up at Target while I was out. I went to Target’s and couldn’t find the lights at either place, I did get the nurse’s recommendation for Brady of a cool mist humidifier, Baby Vicks, and Little Noses saline drops. Casey and James ended up going to a third Target and getting a different kind and are going to take down the lights they already put up and put those on the tree out front and put the new lights on the house. Hopefully it all works out but we might be taking the old lights back completely so all lights match. Time will tell.

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