Miss Cakes

I’m sure you’re all here to read about Brady anyway so I’ll jump right in. Brady’s 13.5 months old now and has developed quite the personality. She’s definitely a mix of Casey and I where this is concerned.

I’m sure it’s normal but I’m not exactly thrilled that she’s decided to be a picky eater lately. You can give her a hamburger (cut up of course) at one meal but if you try to give it to her again at the next meal she’ll fuss until you take it away and present her with something else. Or you could give her pasta twice a day for several days and she could be perfectly content. There’s no pattern to what she likes/wants/needs! I used to think that she loved oatmeal and yogurt and would readily eat those. Not so much. She’ll still eat them both but only on her terms. I think the only thing she is guaranteed to eat is fishes (Goldfish). At least she’s getting one of her many needed wheat servings? We’re hoping this isn’t any indication on the type of eater she will be as she gets older. It’s definitely okay to have preferences but she needs to at least give some things a chance before spitting them out. Ideally this is just an age related passing phase and our good little experimental eater (she still experiments but mostly on what we’re eating and a lot of times when it’s spicier than I’d like her to have).

Brady’s been pointing at (gouging) eyes for awhile now but recently she’s started pointing at them when asked where they are. If you ask her where her eyes are, she’ll point to yours. I’ve been working on nose with her for some time now too and over the course of the last week she’s definitely starting to get the hang of it. Once she masters that, I’ll move on to mouth. Or maybe ears, since she likes squeezing the dogs’ so much.

I’ve also been asking her where Brady is and then pointing at her. This usually makes her start giggling but this afternoon when I asked her where Brady was (at different times) she would jab her finger into her chest. She also kind of says Brady but I’m not gonna call that one yet. She does say ball and if you ask her where her ball is (even if on the other side of the room or in her toy box) she’ll go find it. Yesterday she starting pushing the blue circle through the hole into her shape sorter. She only did it a couple of times yesterday and refused to do any other shape. Today, she did it several more times and also stuck her balls through the shape sorter too. It seems like she’s learning so much right now!

I’m trying not to worry too much that she’s not walking yet. That seems to be the one area she’s behind in but everything I can find online says she has until 18 months before we should worry and then we’ve got the preemie factor to consider (which I usually don’t). Ideally though, she’ll be walking by her 15 month pediatrician appointment. She’s onto me, because I’ve been grabbing ahold of her hands and then trying to let go and seeing if she’ll balance (and catching her if she doesn’t). But now she’s resisting even trying to walk holding my hands thinking I’m going to trick her. I guess I’ll just revert to more walking just holding her hands and see if that motivates her any.

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1 Response to Miss Cakes

  1. Nana says:

    She’s perfectly normal. This is very normal for kiddos at this age through about 3 years old or so according to some medical info I was reading at work the other day. Funny it should come up on this blog. So Brady’s Nana and Papa are not worried at all…let the fun and games begin. So stay tuned…there will be much more to follow!!!! We love you guys!!!!
    Nana and Papa

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