
February was full of appointments for us.  Brady and I each went to the doctor twice and Casey and Stoli each went once.  Brady’s ears looked “beautiful” when she went in for her 10 day check up so the antibiotics did the trick again.  I saw a couple of white specs (teeth) coming through yesterday so between that and her trying to go to one nap a day (of her own doing) she’s still a little fussy.  Since the beginning of February, she’s been sleeping with us again.  I lay her down between 7-7:30 and by 11 or 12 she’s up again and in bed with us for the rest of the night.  She’s a stomach sleeper in her own bed and now that she’s so long, sleeping attached to me all night isn’t exactly comfortable.  She’s started rolling herself off or letting me put her between Casey and I and sleeping on her tummy there for a couple of hours.  And while I know she’s getting better sleep laying on the bed instead of me, my sleep isn’t quite as good because I worry about her suffocating so I throw my pillows on the floor and will randomly wake up and make sure she’s still breathing.  What’s the definition of co-sleeping?

I dropped Stoli off Friday morning at the vet (the closest one yet of the three we’ve tried) to get her teeth cleaning and for her vaccinations.  She ended up being gone all day but came home with good breath and no plaque.  Dude gets very jealous and territorial with bones (even though he has his own) so Stoli never gets the chance to chew and keep her teeth and gums healthy and in order.  This is only the second time we’ve gotten Stoli’s teeth cleaned and now I know why we put it off.  Stoli has a really tough time recovering from the anesthesia.  Until this morning, she hadn’t drank or ate since Thursday night.  She did get IV fluids on Friday but I still worry when she goes that long.  Friday and Saturday she was very lethargic and not herself but I could tell as soon as I came out to the living room this morning that she was back!

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