
Today was a pretty lazy and unproductive day.  Casey got up when Brady did to spend some time with her before he went to work and let me sleep til 10:30.  Brady started nursing and I fell back asleep until Casey was getting ready to leave at 11.  Sadly, I probably could have kept on sleeping but instead got up.  I tried to put Brady down for a nap in her crib but she just screamed and Casey rescued her before he left.  Brady was still in fine form today and I think trying to make me feel bad for “abandoning” her yesterday because other than eating, she just didn’t want me as much as Casey.  She did eat better for me today but I know her teeth are still killing her because she chews on her fingers (or anything else she can get her hands on – today it was magnetic chip clips) all day long.  Poor girl!  She did manage to keep it together for a video chat with Nana and Papa this afternoon but we had to cut that short around 2:30 because she was just getting way too tired.  I jumped at the chance to take a shower and attend to my sunburn.  I’m going to have such a messed up tan when this burn fades (tops of the knees, streaky top of my back and around my hips/upper thighs – ouch!).

The rest of the week we don’t have much going on.  I probably should go to the Natural Gardener and buy some sort of mulch/fertilizer for the vegetable beds and see if they perk up some more.  One of our tomato plants was looking pretty grayish so I pulled it up and put in a pot to see if maybe the ants were just getting to it or I don’t know what.  I’m trying really hard not to over water and kill things and hope I’m not under watering either.  I also need to pick out what I’m going to plant around the tree out front.  I was originally thinking all perennials but now I might mix perennials and annuals and see how that works.  I’m in love with the hibiscus plants I keep seeing at nurseries.

I’ve had several people ask how the yogurt turned out.  I tried it for the first time last night and it actually turned out alright.  I think I might need to let it culture longer next time so it’s not as sour.  It seems to taste like plain yogurt (although I don’t ever buy plain).  I added some honey and vanilla to it and the flavor was much better but the texture was a little clumpy but I don’t know what that’s about.  Now that I’ve made it and didn’t get sick, I’ll try making Brady some yogurt with whole milk (organic still) and see if the texture is better there.  I have to say, I’m quite pleased for a first go at it.  Not only does my homemade yogurt have no artificial colors or flavors but at $1.50 for a 32 ounce container of organic yogurt is super cheap too!

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2 Responses to Lazy

  1. Dana says:

    Yea for homemade yogurt! My experience so far and I am far from a yogurt expert: Non homogenized and raw milk make more clumpy, almost like ricotta, yogurt. Perhaps organic also produces different texture. I don’t know enough about milk and how the different properties effect it. It will get more sour the longer it ferments. Whole milk or cream added makes more yummy and thicker yogurt and the fat is good for us (sorry, had to slip that in). Save the runny whey left in the yogurt and add it to anything you can like soup or shakes or in place of any recipe that calls for water because the nutrition it has and healthy bacteria are one of the best things you can do for your body! Way to go Kelly!! Homemade yogurt is good for the soul.

    I hope Brady’s teeth allow her a retreat soon!

  2. Mom says:

    Kelly you are must more adventuresome than I would ever be with making yogurt. You go girl!

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