
Well it seems that Brady is getting back into more of a routine with her schedule again. After several nights of me sleeping with her on her floor and her screaming again as soon as I left, we seem to be in a routine. She’s sleeping through the night again! She’s also waking up a little later and staying up a little later which works out better for our schedule too! Now Brady wakes up around 8, goes down for a nap between 12 and 1 and sleeps for 2-3 hours, then goes to bed at 8. Now Casey gets to sleep in a little longer on weekday mornings, spend a little time with her before going to work, and see her and give her a bath when he gets home.

The weather here is doing crazy things. After hearing and expecting the temps to stay hot through October, they have cooled to mid-upper 80s during the day and 60s at night. We actually turned the air off one day earlier this week and have had to turn the heat on upstairs at night so Brady doesn’t freeze.

Apparently, Brady isn’t as big of a couch potato as we thought she was. I checked three DVDs out from the library after story time yesterday and she won’t watch any of them. I got It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, Dora’s Halloween, and Jonah: a Veggie Tales movie. She’s really into pumpkins right now and I thought that’d be enough to keep her interest, but it hasn’t been. But Sesame Street’s new season just started and we’ve had three days in a row of new episodes so good for Brady and good for Casey and I!

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