
Brady’s sleep schedule is still really out of whack.  It’s been a week now.  Saturday morning she woke up the first time screaming around 12:30 and would not stop.  I went up about 30 minutes later when it was apparent she wouldn’t self soothe and brought her to bed with us.  I kept her in bed for 30 minutes and she still wasn’t going to sleep.  She wanted to say hi and roll around and play.  I put her back to bed on her own for an hour and she fell back asleep and woke up screaming an hour later.  This time I went up there with my pillow and laid on her floor with her.  She still wanted to talk and kept saying “sa” (we think that’s her of saying what’s that because she asks over and over until we answer and then will move on) or “li” (light on her monitor) and would randomly give me kisses.  I laid up there for an hour with her before going back to bed.  She fell asleep for a little while longer (I can’t even remember what time at this point) and screamed again but went back to sleep and slept til almost 9.  Ugh.  Then she took a nap from 1-4 and didn’t go back to bed until after 8.  She *did* sleep in until 8:30 today so that was nice.  I can deal with a little later bedtime for her if it means she wakes up a little later in the morning.  But the waking up in the middle of the night completely awake and ready to go has to stop!  Or more like, I really hope it will.  She’s too old for this and has been sleeping through the night for way too long to just start this up again.  At the risk of getting bitten, I haven’t checked to see if her teeth are through or more are coming through but need to try and remember to give her some sort of justification for this crazy schedule.

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