Some Labs

Brady ended up waking from her nap in a foul mood so I didn’t get the rest of my lab work done today. But hopefully tomorrow I can get that out of the way. My doctor’s office called saying they had received the results of my carotid artery ultrasound and they came back normal (which I knew) and that based on that, the blood work they did, and the ophthalmologists report – I experienced an ocular migraine. She asked if I had gotten my MRI because they hadn’t received it yet and I told her I had it schedule for Friday but they had closed their office, not notified me, and never called to reschedule. I then asked if the doctor even thought it necessary I get the MRI since everything was indicating ocular migraines. She said she’d ask the doctor and call me back. She never has called back and I don’t expect she will. I hate to say it but our care/satisfaction with medical personnel has been less than stellar since moving to Texas. We never realized we had it so good in Colorado!

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2 Responses to Some Labs

  1. Justin says:

    I’ve never had good, reliable medical care anywhere I’ve ever lived…DE, CA, DC, TX…it’s just the general nature of the industry. We did like Robin’s OB in Austin, but like anywhere else, the office staff sometimes left a bit to be desired. I’ve had one Dr. visit here in Houston, and it was not terrible, so that was nice. But on the flip side, Robin’s first OB appt here was a mess and we had to change hospitals we disliked the lady so much.

  2. Kelly says:

    I just expect more from our medical care. In the past we haven’t really used it a lot but there were still some doctors that stood out more than others. Our doctor in LA was really good but we were only with her for about 6 months and had no huge issues come up. The others were forgettable but just since we’ve been here it seems it’s always something. It could be that I’m trying to navigate all of this with a toddler but still. I just hope I can either get the courage to make the switch or just suck it up.

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