Toddler Story Time Take Two

Well, I attempted to Brady to another toddler story time.  We showed up, at what I thought was, half way through but in reality was only 15 minutes in.  So I don’t forget the next time I attempt to go, toddler story time is an hour.  Brady did much better this time and probably would have had the patience to listen to an entire story without grabbing other books had a rambunctious four year-old not commented on each line of the book. Brady stayed seated in my lap reading quietly until craft time began.

When I asked her if she wanted to color she got up and started hunting down the crayons, eventually ending up with two baggies of crayons and nothing to write on.  I managed to keep her from writing on books or walls but when a hard surface (clipboard base) was given to her to do her project on, she immediately started coloring.  I asked her to stop but wasn’t to serious about it since it was obvious that other children had done the same.  Again, the librarian (different one this time) apparently doesn’t have much patience for two year olds like mine and freaked out.  When the paper for the art project came it became apparent this was not designed for Brady and was for the parent to assemble and the child to look at (or destroy).  We had now been there for a half hour and Brady had done so well being quiet and still-ish that she was ready to do laps around the library.  I took this as our cue to go and so ended our second trip to toddler story time.

I’ll probably try to return for half of story time but Brady just isn’t into it.  She doesn’t particularly enjoy listening to the stranger read to her and none of the kids really interact with each other.  Do you think it’s worth it to keep going?

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4 Responses to Toddler Story Time Take Two

  1. Amy S. says:

    I would say keep trying it.. for no reason other than the fact it is good to get out of the house! i know how important that is to me!

  2. Nana says:

    I vote to keep trying.Maybe the 1/2 session and gradually increasing the time, as she becomes more comfortable with it may work or you can come to Nana’s Toddler Story Time (hehehe). Maybe you could see if there is another library not to far away and try that one. The older she gets perhaps the better she will enjoy it?
    I agree with Amy that it is a time to get out of the house, but if you stress over it and she does not like it “don’t go”.

  3. robin says:

    Two year olds.. they go through phases, don’t they? Even if you keep going, she will have good weeks and bad weeks so keep that in mind. I would say keep going if you think you’re both getting something out of it. If it’s not worth it to you right now, try going back after she ages a little more and can enjoy the “stories.” They do MOPs groups here – have you checked to see if there is one near you? It’s free and while I’ve not been to one myself, I know lots of stay at home moms here who enjoy the meetups – social time for you and for her!

  4. Dana says:

    Oh toddlers! I hope they get a more kid friendly librarian. No two year old likes to sit for an hour being quiet. An hour is overkill unless they are transitioning quickly from one thing to another. I say skip the library and go take a swim class with her where she gets to be active! Read at home. 🙂 I love reminiscing through you about those younger years that seem so far behind me thought it wasn’t that long ago I was in the library (which never worked for me – it’s better when they are older). It’s hard to mingle when everyone is supposed to be listening to one person. You’re such a good mama!

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