Attention Michael Vick – Free Dog Fights

The dogs have been in fine form lately.  A fight from last month and that caused blood and fluid to build up in Stoli’s ear got even worse this month when her and Dude got into another fight.  I took her in thinking they would just aspirate the ear but both vets said how ineffective that would be when blood vessels were ruptured and how it would just keep filling back up with blood if it wasn’t operated on.  What we thought would be a simple in and out procedure ended up lasting all day, involved surgery, and an episode once in recovery that required Stoli to be put on a ventilator.  I took her back in for a follow up on Wednesday and everything seemed to look alright.  The vet added a staple to help seal up the flap and help create a scab but other than that, not a big deal.

The last two days Dude has been getting crazy in him and just starts posturing and growling at Stoli when she isn’t doing anything to provoke him.  Friday, Casey managed to break it up by separating them and putting Stoli’s cone (e-collar) back on her.  Yesterday, however, when I went to stand up and go grab the cone (we took it off so Stoli could get a drink and didn’t put it back on right away) Dude took that as his sign to attack and mangled up Stoli’s healing ear and face.  Casey ended up hurting his hands in the process of separating the dogs and getting them to submit to him.  I went to the store and grabbed some assorted things for him and Stoli and when I got back Stoli’s hood was filling up with blood and she looked like she was straight out of a slasher flick.  This is a little graphic but blood clots were even falling out inside the hood – ick!

We decided Stoli couldn’t wait until her scheduled appointment on Tuesday to be rechecked and needed to go get checked out by the emergency vet.  The vet ended up not doing a whole lot – sprayed the area with hydrogen peroxide and prescribed more antibiotics/painkillers but at least we have peace of mind knowing Stoli isn’t going to get sepsis or an infection.  So back to the vet we’ll go on Tuesday and find out how bad things are.  The fights need to stop.


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1 Response to Attention Michael Vick – Free Dog Fights

  1. Nana says:

    Poor Stoli! Poor Casey! Bad Dudie!
    Hope all of those boo-boos are feeling better!
    Time out for Dudie!
    Wow, when Stoli heals up; she’s probably going to open a can of “whoop a@#”on Dudie!
    Love as always,

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