Brady’s 3rd Birthday – Part 1

Brady’s now 3 years old!  When did that happen?  How am I the parent of a 3 year old?  It really is crazy!  Each year that she grows older I ask myself how I became the parent of a child that’s x number of years old.  Time goes by WAY too fast these days.

On Brady’s birthday, Casey got up early and brought back donuts for us (Brady’s favorite).  Then after getting ready, we allowed Brady to open one of her birthday presents.  It was a beanie baby version of Muno from Yo Gabba Gabba.  She was instantly in love and brought it with us to her 3 year well child check later that morning.

This appointment was the first appointment we’ve had since transferring pediatricians.  While I adored our previous pediatrician, I hardly ever saw her when we were in there, her office is a 30 minute drive, her waiting room is tiny, and she’ll be on maternity leave when I have baby number 2.  All of that together, meant (for me) it was time to transfer somewhere closer to home.  Since it’s possible this baby could be premature like Brady resulting in lots of pediatrician visits and even if she’s not there’s still a lot of visits during that first year, I didn’t relish the thought of wasting at least an hour each visit for driving on top of the visit.  And with a tiny waiting room and no separation for well and sick children, that just didn’t sit well with me with the possibility of a preemie.  That’s not to say I’d be opposed to transferring back if things don’t work out with the new practice but for now, we’re staying where we’re at.

That first visit was definitely stressful.  Brady already hates going to the doctor.  Not so much the office itself, but being examined and in such close proximity to someone she considers a stranger.  While she did manage to get on the scale and weighed in at a healthy 36.9 pounds (90th (ish) percentile).  We weren’t able to get an official height because she had a meltdown  but from what we could tell Brady was 41″ tall putting her in the 94th percentile.  She’s definitely staying consistent with being a tall girl.

The pediatrician we saw seemed nice enough and is encouraging us to start Brady in some mommy and me type classes in the interim while we start looking for a preschool.  She thinks that some of Brady’s stranger anxiety could be alleviated from better socialization.  Casey and I’s homebody tendencies aren’t doing Brady any favors and I’m going to have to break out of my comfort zone for Brady’s sake and continued development – which I’m totally okay with.  I’ve already looked into some classes to take her to, narrowed down local preschool options to three, and joined a mommy group in the area.

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