2011 Resolutions – Month 2

It feels like just yesterday we were celebrating New Year’s.  Where did January go?  To keep myself accountable for my resolutions, I’m going to do a monthly progress report.  I read something during the holidays that the best way to write up resolutions (or goals, if you don’t like the word resolution) is to split it up into four parts – personal, family, home, and finances.  Here’s how I’m doing on my resolutions one month later.


  1. Run a 5k.  I’m registered to run with a friend on 2/26!
  2. Stop biting my nails.  Fail – I haven’t even tried.
  3. Make my blog successful and start hosting giveaways.  I think the making my blog successful part will always be a work in progress.  I did receive the Stylish Blogger award from The Type A Housewife which was really cool!  As far as the hosting giveaways, I’m pretty happy with four I have hosted (or am hosting) and have a lot of new stuff in the works!
  4. Win more giveaways.  This one isn’t working out so well.  I won way more giveaways in December than January.  But I did start the Giveaway Challenge so hopefully my luck will change.  I did win a giveaway today but I entered it before I started the Giveaway Challenge so it will not be included in my totals.
  1. Potty train Cakes.  I haven’t even started.  She’s still really only interested in standing in her potty or wearing it on her head.  I’m not entirely sure she’s ready but it’s still a goal.
  2. Get pregnant again and have a full-term fatty.  This is still a work in progress too.  I’ve had one of the two cycles I’m supposed to have before trying to get pregnant again.  I still haven’t gotten my blood work results back.  Hopefully by the end of the month I’ll have some good news to share with y’all since I’m probably going to wait until 12 weeks this time before sharing it with friends and extended family.
  3. Plan at least one vacation.  Well, we’ve started talking about where we want to go.  And since my Grandma is going to be 83 this year, it’s going to be to go visit her.  The good news is she lives near the beach in Florida so it’ll still be a vacation.  It’ll also be the first time that Cakes has been to the beach!  Dates are still TBD.
  4. Socialize more.  This was a big fat failure as well.  We tried to go out with friends on two different occasions but it just didn’t work out.  The first time my husband had an early meeting the following day and the second time our friends were afflicted by “cedar fever” and had to bail.  I’m running with a friend at the end of this month and we’ll be spending the entire day with her family and friends.
  1. Stick to a cleaning schedule.  I haven’t done this one entirely.  For the most part the house has been in pretty good shape.  Still not to my perfectionist standards but with a 2 year old there’s only so much effort you can devote to it without driving yourself crazy.  Not to mention the septic issues we had and needing to do laundry throughout the week instead of having a laundry day.
  2. Stain the fence.  We’re waiting on our tax refund (which if you didn’t know the government is not even accepting until 2/14) for this.
  3. Get gutters installed.  Also, waiting on the tax refund before installing.
  4. Fence the entire property.  More of our tax refund at work.
  1. Purchase a new to us car.  Done!
  2. Pay off car as quickly as possible.  We’ve decided not to pay it off as quickly as possible since we’ll be using our tax refund to do some things around the house.  However, it should still be paid off by the end of May!  If we do pay it off as planned, I’ll consider it a success.  Paid off in four months instead of three years.
  3. Get all legal wills and documents in place.  They’re all printed and ready to be notarized but are still in the envelope.
  4. Open Cakes a 529.  Done!

Did you make resolutions?  How are you doing on keeping yours?!

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