MMMMMM Pizza and Beer

We just got done ordering a pizza and I picked up some beer.So we are going to sit and enjoy amovie or something.We figure that since we work out 5 days a week we can go crazy on one day.

About forty-five minutes after we got up Mike called and asked if I could help him and Tina move their new table, a big heavy marble bastard, but still not as heavy as his old TV. I’m glad that his new TV is only like 100 pounds or something. I’m excited to see what they do with their house in the week before they have everyone over.

I got my pay stub in the mail today, I didn’t realize how much money I get taken out in deductions.Its probably over a thousand dollars a month.Grrrrrr.We have to pay out our asses for health insurance.Why can’t I get a job with a good insurance plan, someplace that doesn’t bend me over everypay while I can’t complain to much cause I haven’t worked a single day since October16 of last year, and have gotten paid for every single day.

I was reading through Kevin and Mike’s code for their websites today, I can’t believe how long it has been since I have coded anything, I felt like a total idiot. I can’t even figure out how to configure Apache or MySQL on my Linux machine. I’m dumb.

I have to start marinating my T-Bones for tomorrow soon, except that they are still frozen.We are having an early birthday party for Grandpa tomorrow so I’m gonna be cooking steaks foreveryone on the grill tomorrow.It should be tasty.

I was trying to do some work with The GIMP last night and make some images for Justin to throw up on a website he is doing. It has been quite some time since I have done any image work in GIMP. Probably since I was in the Air Force. I sent him a batch of images that I made, I admit that they weren’t very good, but I will try again later.

It is gonna take me awhile before I can pay for a hosting service for the new layout of the website,so any work that I do now will only be for a future date.

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