Workout Day 2


Day two of working out. We did basically the same workout that we did yesterday, we are still having trouble getting up in a timely manner to get out the door, but we did better then yesterday. On the return trip home we stopped at Super Target and scored some stuff to make lunch. I also picked up some batteries to throw into my Handspring. Justin (the non-posting fool) has his working now, so I thought that I should get mine back up and running.

I actually have spent most of the time since returning from the gym organizingplaylists on the iPod to match all the albums that we have on there. That only took about 4 HOURS. But now they are mostly organized. I still wish there was an ID3 tag editor that had a little built in intelligence. Or at least have it integrated into your shell. Say you highlight a bunch of MP3s with no tag, but they all have the same artist and album name, if you could just right click, bring up a small menu input the info, and have the program automagically update all those songs, that would cut the time needed to do a collection of my size down considerably. I like iTunes and all but the ID3 tag editor isn’t very fast, but it does lookup and autofill names as you type them and that is a plus. I imagine this could be done in perl….. hmmmmmmmm, perhaps its time I get my hands dirty. Perhaps Kevin could help me out a bit with direction.

I noticed that Pearl Jam is playing at the “Can” on April 1. NEXT MONTH!!! How could I let this slip buy me, here it is almost the middle of March and I didn’t know about this. I’m slipping in my old age. Plus the Summer Sanitarium Tour is on-sale also, but for Kelly and I alone we would probably drop about 200 bones for two tickets. But you can’t beat the lineup, although I have seen all the bands before at separate concerts. How I wish to see the Deftones again.

We bought 8 DVDs yesterday from Best Buy and Blockbuster, if you are looking for really good deals on DVDs, swing by Blockbuster because they are having there buy 2 get one free sale, and most titles are 14.99 and less we scored Barbershop, Bad Company, and Changing Lanes all movies that cost around 20 a piece at Best Buy.

OK we have to go pick up Kelly’s glasses and do some more running around before this evening.

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