
Friday, I called the pediatrician back to update her on Brady.  She said Brady’s urine culture came back negative for infection.  I’m always full of questions whenever I talk to her so I had plenty to ask.  I asked if we were doing Brady a disservice by writing her fussiness off to colic.  She said that she really didn’t know what else to make of her fussiness because she couldn’t find anything wrong with her medically.  I guess she didn’t think that blood work would indicate anything and she said she honestly had no clue what she’d try and look for.  The pedi said that she was glad that Brady can be consoled when she gets fussy and that she’d be really worried if Casey and I weren’t able to console her because that might indicate meningitis or something along those lines.  I asked if it was possible that Brady’s reflux meds were no longer working for her and making her more uncomfortable since her dose was calculated for a lower weight.  She did the calculation and was able to up her dose to 1.7ml twice a day and that seems to be working.  She said it’s possible that the reflux is more of a problem than we think since her reflux went from silent to not-so-silent (on some days) and that we could discuss getting an upper GI ordered for her.  She asked me to call back on Tuesday afternoon and we’d discuss things again.

I called and left a message for her and she called me back this afternoon.  I told her that Brady was still fussy but seemed to be over the tummy bug so no more throwing up.  Casey and I have been talking with each other and other friends and family wondering if it was possible that someone so young could be just spoiled.  I asked her if Brady could possibly be spoiled since she will only cry and get fussy (most of the time) if she’s not being held (primarily by me).  She said it’s possible but Brady was a little young for it since it usually starts at 6 months (which she’ll be next week) and this has been going on for over a month now, but that colic would fit too if it weren’t she was too old for that.  So we talked some more and we’re going to hold off on doing the upper GI for now, unless she thinks doing it would be more worthwhile than just spending money on medicine that Brady may not need or needs more of.  I’m going to have to work on putting Brady down more when she’s sleeping instead of just holding her, letting her cry sometimes when there’s nothing wrong with her (*not* crying it out though) and just trying to establish more of a routine with her.  She’s so used to getting everything she wants at the first grunt or sound of fussiness that she’s just become conditioned that when she does this, I’ll pick her up.  It’s so sad to listen to her crying but I know this is something we need to start working on now before it gets worse.

Hopefully with this new routine I can get her back to sleeping in her own bed again.  I never wanted to do co-sleeping but somehow with the reflux and then with her tummy bug she’s wound up in our bed all night.  Now that the tummy bug has run it’s course she’s so used to sleeping with us I’m having a HARD time getting her to sleep in her bed.  I put her down four different times last night before finally giving up and letting her sleep on me.  I put her down at 9:50 and she woke up as I was laying her down and softly fussed a little but only for about 5-10 minutes.  I don’t know if she’s just so tired from me putting her down everytime she’s asleep (because she invariably woke up) or if turning on her Twilight Sea Turtle and her Woombie (stuffed bear that makes womb sounds) did the trick.  I’m hoping she’ll start sleeping through the night in her crib again now!

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