Off My Routine

I wrote this yesterday but apparently didn’t hit publish.

I feel the day has completely gotten away from me and I’m so behind on everything.  Yesterday, I went to the doctor under the impression I’d be getting blood work done.  Apparently, last time I was there the correct information was not entered into their system, and my appointment got listed as a preconception appointment.

Last week was when my original appointment was scheduled but the doctor was out and so I had to reschedule to this week with the midwife (even though their office canceled I would have had to wait another six weeks to get back into see the doctor). And really if you’re just getting lab orders, what does it matter who writes them?  Brady did really well while we were in the waiting room and had a fascination with seating in each of the chairs and pointing out different pieces of art.  When we got called back for the appointment, she completely flipped out when I put her down to get weighed.  She kept this up until we got in the room, then freaked out again when the midwife walked in.  The midwife didn’t want to scare her so she kept her distance and ending up laying on the exam table while we talked.  This helped but I don’t know why she did that.  My only thought is maybe she’s associating doctor’s offices with getting her ears probed (which she hates)?

The appointment started out with the midwife asking how long ago I miscarried and if we were interested in trying again.  I told her it had been six weeks and that yes (obviously), we wanted another baby.  She said since I had already completed one cycle and my “clock had reset” that we could go ahead and start trying again now.  When she asked if I had any questions, I told her I was a little confused by this because it contradicted what the doctor had told me at my last appointment which was to wait two cycles.  I told her I was supposed to be getting blood work at this appointment and wanted to talk about what they were looking for and what that might mean.

The midwife had no idea what I was talking about and left to go get my chart (why it was still in the hall, I don’t know).  When she returned she said she took back what she said and that I should wait until after my next cycle before trying to get pregnant again.  She gave me the paperwork for the tests and briefly explained they’d be looking for reasons my body might be throwing mini clots.  They don’t know that I have a clotting disorder at all (or if I do, what would be causing it) but they want to rule that out because a clotting disorder could explain my abruption with Brady and miscarriage last month.  The midwife told me they don’t expect to find anything and that if the results are normal I’ll be able to see the results on their patient portal in a few days but if they were abnormal I’d need to schedule with one of the doctors because “if you schedule with one of the midwives we’re going to be like, what?  And not know what to do.”  I’m already not feeling super confident about this practice and to hear things like that doesn’t help matters.  Basically, she said it’d be a wait and see type thing but most clotting disorders can be controlled with baby aspirin or blood thinners.  We finished up and she sent me over to the M.A. to get my blood drawn.  The M.A. said they were unable to do this type of testing in their office and directed me to another lab (upstairs) because they didn’t have the right type of tubes or a freezer (testing for coagulation?).

The doctor’s office/lab is about 20 miles from our house so I figured I’d try getting everything done at one time and Brady and I headed upstairs.  I’m shocked that there’s no line and start feeling confident they can get me in before finding out that I have to fast for 10-12 hours before they can draw blood.  So this morning after getting dressed and giving Brady breakfast (she gets car sick on an empty tummy), we headed back to the lab.  I waited a little while before heading over there (they open at 7) thinking that people would stop in on their way to work or want to get the blood work over and done with as early as possible so they could eat and get on with their day and that if I waited there wouldn’t be that many people there.  I was so wrong – the waiting room was packed (I counted 14 other people) and I expected to be there a long, long time.

Fortunately, we didn’t have to wait very long at all.  Brady wasn’t quite restless yet and was eating Goldfish and reading a book when they called us back.  I put her down so I could sit in the chair for the blood draw and she flipped out again.  Big ole tears were rolling down her faces and she kept saying bye.  I got out my phone and started playing a Sesame Street movie (Abby in Wonderland, I think) and tried talking to her while I was sitting there.  I was sitting there a little while because they took seven vials (although they were smaller) of blood.  Brady had calmed down by the time we were done (the other patient said something about separation anxiety while we were there) and was saying goodbye to everyone she saw along the way!

I usually hate getting my blood drawn (I still do) but part of it is the environment it’s being drawn in.  The entire building is newer and this office didn’t have the same type of feel as the strip mall type labs but was warmer and more welcoming.  And the staff seemed much more professional from the receptionist to the phlebotomist.  Hopefully the glucose challenge test will be a little less painful if I get it done in that office.

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