Say Whaaaaa?

Now I’m not a big fan of garage sales, but I kind of had a change of heart today. Kelly made a list of some local garage sales for us to visit, when she got out of her oreintation at UCCS.

So the first garage sale we go to is up in Gleneagle, as soon as I walked into the garage I spotted an old Apple IIe on a table, but right next to it was a series one TiVo. I was like “Sweet” but I figured that it would be pricey. NOPE. The gal running it only wanted 10 DOLLARS. SOLD. I also managed to pick up two wireless keyboards and mice, and a standard Dell PS/2 Mouse and Keyboard. All for 20 dollars. Can you believe that crap. For those that don’t know anything about TiVo’s, they are personal video recorders (PVR) that records TV shows for you in a digital format, and stores them on the machine. Well it was a Version 1 TiVo with only a 14 hour capacity (13.8GB), so after we stopped for lunch I went to some TiVo hacking sites, and looked at what was involved with adding a bigger drive or adding a second drive. We it turns out I can do both, with up to 150GB for each drive, making it able to record over 300 hours of TV at basic quality. I RULE.

After that I was all excited, a TiVo and a new computer all in the same week. But I still didn’t have a monitor that I am capable of lugging around with me if I take my new gaming machine somewhere. So I had my eye out for monitors. SOOOO to shorten this up a bit, I bought 2 17 inch monitors today, the cost of everything that we bought today was only 55 dollars.

I was looking on eBay just a few minutes ago to see how much TiVo’s are going for, and for hacked ones with lifetime service they range from about 250 to as much as 400. But I’m not sure if I want to sell the TiVo now, or maybe sell my Radeon 8500DV computer that I was using for my PVR. I’m torn.

I was tracking my computer parts earlier also, and they have arrived in Denver. So I will have to wait until Monday or Tuesday still, to get my goods. But I have to say Newegg.Com is very very prompt, and have great prices, I would highly encourage anyone looking to buy parts to shop there. I have been using them for 3 maybe 4 years now, well every since they opened, I used to shop at MWave, then Newegg opened up, and everyone thought that they were the same company. Bleh.

I had Kevin shave my head today while I was over at his house. Its getting to hot to have my hair as long as it was, and I have to admit it is much cooler now then with that big mop of hair I had. I didn’t realize how much hair I’m actually losing. I really do think I will be bald in 5 more years, or have a Captain Picard thing going on sooner then that 🙁

More Geek Talk

So with the arrival of the TiVo, and my new computer parts (very soon) I finally decided to reorganize the 4 hard drives that I have in my current PVR. The 4 current drives are a 100GB, 40GB, 60GB, and a 80GB. The bad thing was I had 2 seperate MP3 drives, so I have never had all my tunes in one place to make for easier renaming or organizing. So I have been doing the file shuffle all night now. It looks like I’m going to have about 73GB of MP3z total, before I go through them and delete the dupes, and the crap that I will never listen to. Then I have to decide what drive I’m going to throw into my new computer, and which one I will throw into the TiVo. Good think I have 5 decent sized hard drives in the apartment.

Now time for some less geeky talk.

Kelly and I were discussing the new season of Real World that is going to be airing soon. Paris! Now I’m not a big fan of the French by any means, so I was thinking of alternate locations that would be just as much fun. Kelly came up with Real World: Fargo, and I came up with Real World: Anchorage. Now wouldn’t it be great to see all 7 Real Worlders (is that even a word?) locked up in some small cabin in North Dakota or in Alaska during the middle of winter. They are all going crazy, perhaps they have to hunt and kill there own food, no more cushy jobs, and expensive toys, they are roughing it. I would really love to see something like that, maybe throw in some Survivor, where if you get voted off the other remaining roomates eat the one they voted off. I would almost pay to see that, hell I could record it with my TiVo. 🙂

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